Concept and Selection

We seek to select the students who stand between the thin margin of
(1) who would be left behind in education, if they didn’t receive some form of support
(2) who would not be able to continue education, even if they receive our support
Who can apply
- 10th class Students who are looking for admission to 11th standard
- Secured the cutoff marks as required by the school
- whose family (of 5) income is within 4-5 lakh.
- Lives within a commutable distance from bokaro. (Is not spending an amount almost equivalent to the supported fee in fooding and lodging itself)
- Does not have any case of misconduct against any female
- Is not generically considered a violent (physically aggressive) person.
Selection mechanism
Level1 screening:
This level matches school standards (to ensure we pump in students of the same academic sharpness as is naturally done by the school)
- Applicant has to (effectively) clear the pre admission test conducted by the school before being considered for Vidya Vritti
- When the 10th board results are declared, the candidate’s percentage should be above the school cut off
Level 2 screening
This level pertains to academic performance
- All applicants are listed in decreasing order of their class 10 board result
- We see their result as a sum of only maths and science marks.
- The considered science marks is only the part that is allotted by the board examination process and excludes the practical marks given to students, irrespective of how high or low that may be.
- In 2018, the relevant science marks was only 80, In 1998, this used to be 70
- The pre admission test of school is tough enough on English that we don’t need to bother with their ability to understand instructions in English.
- If more than one student has marks within 0.5 % of each other, their marks obtained in 9th class (school examination) is used to put them in a hierarchy
- We take feedback from their teacher about their analytical abilities. We enquire if they have made any science projects, participated in any national / state/ city level tests, olympiad etc
- The top 4 students from the above list are pulled out
Level 3 screening
Here we get subjective
- The 4 students arranged in hierarchy from the preceding list are subjectively reviewed for who may be more needy
- The two most needy students are awarded the Vidya Vritti