In plenty ways! & Every contribution counts!

CSB is an organization run by chinmayans who contribute in different ways. There are many ways in which you can contribute to the smiles:
ACTIVITY CO-ORDINATOR: We run a scholarship program called “Vidya Vritti” for talented underprivileged children and organize interactive sessions by successful chinmayans in different fields to inspire and guide students. These activities require a lot of co-ordination at local level. If you are stationed in Bokaro or close by you can help with your presence & co-ordination.
MENTOR: You can be a mentor to one of our scholars chosen for the Vidya Vritti scholarship and help them with emotional support and counselling like an elder brother/sister. This usually involves a few conversations a month.
FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION: We also need people who would provide assistance to donors/ contributors by resolving their queries.
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS: Help children who want to apply for the scholarship by guiding them with the process.
DONOR: Be a financial contributor. You can set up a monthly recurring transfer to the CSB bank account or make a one-time contribution. Every drop counts and any amount is welcome (e.g. Rs 20, 50, 100, 1000, 10,000). We have received donations ranging from Rs. 50 to Rs. 40,000)
You can donate by transferring funds to following bank account (Held in the name of our mentor and teacher Vyjayanthi ma’am.
Account holder name: Chinmaya Smiles Back
Account number: 6647579907
IFSC code: IDIB000S178
Bank: Indian Bank
Branch: Chinmaya Vidyalaya campus,
Sector 5, Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand, PIN 827006
(Chinmaya Smiles Back is a registered trust with Govt. of Bihar,
Book No. 4, Deed No. 142, Volume No. 3, 503-516;
Serial No. 13166; Date: 23 Dec 2017; PAN # AACTC3142R)
FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR: You can help by getting more and more people to join the pool of financial contributors.
GUEST LECTURER: You can guide current students by giving a talk at school about a variety of career options. This is especially helpful if you have chosen an unconventional career option that many students may be interested in but may not know how to get there.
BLOGGER: If you love writing, you can help us with our blog. You can also help with technical stuff for website development.
PR: You can popularize our organization and get more chinmayans to join. You can help spread the information about scholarship so that deserving candidates get to know about it. This can be through social media or conventional media (If you know people who can help)
SOCIAL MEDIA CO-ORDINATOR: You can manage the CSB group and page on Facebook/ twitter / Instagram etc.
Any other help that you can think of can be added to the list. Welcome on board and “keep Smiling”.