Finance / Banking Details

Chinmaya Smiles Back is a registered trust with Govt. of Bihar, Book No. 4, Deed No. 142, Volume No. 3, 503-516; Serial No. 13166; effective from Date: 23 Dec 2017. The trust deed (as per Govt laws) acts as the constitution of the ‘organization’ we are, and our activities should be carried out in accordance to it. The bank account details are as follows:
Account holder name: Chinmaya Smiles Back
Account number: 6647579907
IFSC code: IDIB000S178
Bank: Indian Bank
Branch: Chinmaya Vidyalaya campus,
Address: Sector 5, Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand, PIN 827006
To contribute towards the activities of CSB, you can transfer the intended funds to the above account and email us at with the details of your transfer. We will send an email acknowledgement once we receive the amount and will add you to the list of contributors who receive a monthly statement of transactions.
There is no minimum or maximum for the transfers and all amounts are welcome. In the last few years we have received contributions from Rs 20 to Rs 25000. The contributors span the entire spectrum of post-school professions. These include students pursuing their higher education in Bharat and abroad, doctors, engineers and teachers all of whom have contributed in different capacities.
Each contributor is emailed the bank statement for each month and has access to the bank statements since our inception in May 2009.
Note :*Shashank Jha(one of the founding members of CSB) was the manager of this branch and hence for our ease we chose it